On Saturday, October 21st, 2017, the 41st Shihan Seminar was held at “Shinrin Koen Mori no Ie” (Shizuoka Prefecture Forest Park - The House in a Forest) which is a suburb of Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka prefecture. This is a lodging facility which is surrounded by rich mature red pine trees. It has accommodation, a restaurant, a gymnasium, and a study. It was the perfect location for the karate seminar.
The seminar focused on practicing four katas in the Higaonna linage:
Saifa Seisan Seipai Kururunfa
Before starting the seminar, Soke Sakagami explained;
“Higaonna” linage, also called ‘Naha-t’, uses round techniques and has dynamic and powerful characteristics, while “Itosu linage”, also called ‘Shuri-te’, uses direct and straight techniques with speedy characteristics. Itosu-ha requires mastering continuous movements. We have to perform katas by distinguishing these differences. Itos-ryu style practitioners begin with Shuri-te and later practice Higaonna-ha’s katas. This is why many people tend to emphasise more of Shuri-te characteristics in their kata. So, in this seminar, Soke wanted practitioners to be able to distinguish between the characteristics of Shri-te and Naha-te kata correctly.
This was well realized by all Shihan’s attending the seminar
During practice, Soke explained the meaning of the kata and its application. After Soke demonstrated certain aspects of the kata, participants practiced with a partner. Soke noted difficulties between partners using grabbing and dodging techniques and mentioned that practicing and performing kata required a better understanding of the application as well as the pattern of the kata.
Soke also made the point that most of the students in many dojos are children and the focus of their practice appears to be Shuri-te. It looks like Naha-te is not being considered enough and therefore the characteristics of Naha-te are not evident in the kata. So, Soke expressed the wish for practitioners to practice both Naha-te and Shuri-te.
Everyone practiced hard for 4 hours with great application and much sweat. After the seminar a hard-earned beer tasted amazing together with the use of the hot tub.

The following day, instead of training, everyone visited a famous “Ryotaku-ji” temple. In the temple lies the resting place and grave of the Samurai Lord “Naotora Ii” from the late 16th century Japanese provincial war period. He is a popular figure for Japanese TV drama series now.
For lunch, all had an eel bowl, which was popular in Shizuoka prefecture.
The seminar was a wonderful event and a special thanks to Senei Shigeru Fukada (the chief instructor of Shizuoka branch), who hosted this seminar.
Hodogaya branch
Kyoshi 7th dan degree
Kiyoshi Kusuhara
翌日の日曜日は型研修を行わず、研修会地の浜松が現在、放映されているNHK大河ドラマ「おんな城主 直虎」のゆかりの地ということで、井伊直虎の菩提寺「龍潭寺」や大河ドラマ館を見学しました。
日本空手道糸洲会 保土ヶ谷支部
教士七段 楠原清誌