The Team Sri Lanka and the officials of the tournament.

A total 25 athletes and 3 officials represented from Sri Lanka for the 13th Itosu-kai Kyushu District karatedo championship, which was held on December 2nd 2018 in Kagoshima city, Japan. Kagoshima city is the capital city of Kagoshima Prefecture at the south western tip of the island of Kyushu in Japan, and the largest city in the prefecture.

The tournament was well organized and the people in Kagoshima were very kind. In this tournaent, the Sri Lanka team was able to win 1 first place, 5 second places, and 5 third places in both Kata and Kumite.
Further the team also visited the Itosu-kai International Headquarters in Tsurumi ward in Yokohama city, and we trained with Soke Sakagami and also with a few other senior instructors. Thereafter the team also visited the Tokyo Disneyland for leisure.

The Sri Lanka Itosu-kai also obtained the official membership from the Ryukyu Kobudo Kongo-ryu, (Itosu-kai's weapon system), and now it's established in Sri Lanka.
On behalf of the Sri Lanka Itosu-kai, I would like to thank Soke Sakagami, Sensei Ide (the chief instructor of Itosu-kai Kagoshima branch), Sensei Kusuhara (IKIF Treasurer) and Ayumu Oda (IKIF Secretary General) for helping us to make this tour a success.
Itosu-kai Sri Lanka