Itosu-ryu Karatedo International Federation (IKIF) black belt

Itosu-kai Championships

Welcome to the official website of

The mission of Itosu-ryu Karatedo International Federation is to preserve and promote the classical Karatedo called ITOSU-RYU. It was established by the great Okinawan karate master Anko Itosu (1835 - 1915) and passed down to Kenwa Mabuni (1889-1952) to Ryusho Sakagami (1915-1993) and to the current Soke (the 4th generation grand master) Sadaaki Sakagami.
The original organization "Japan Karatedo Itosu-kai" was established in Kawanishi city, Hygo prefecture, Japan in 1940. With the internationalization of karatedo, our school also aims to develop intercultural relationships and understanding throughout the world. To this end, we formed an international organization called Itosu-ryu Karatedo International Federation(IKIF) in August 2002 comprising of 16 countries. IKIF now has over 20 member countries.
The purpose of this site is to unite the worldwide family of Itosu-ryu practitioners as well as be a source of information for those interested in learning more about our history and style. For more information on how to become affiliated, please feel free to contact us.